Sunday 14 February 2010

Out of the dark ages...

Finally, after nearly two years of Life in London i am able to access the internet from home. Actually i thought they were pretty swift. I can now sit in my pants and write this blog from the comfort of my own armchair, rather than try to sneak in a few words here and there during the daily grind in the office.

You may ask yourself, why the hell has he only just got the internet? Oh i bet it was because he didn't want to pay the phone line connection fee!? Well, you'd be absolutely right. To be honest i never really needed the internet from home, if i really needed to order or arrange anything online i would do it at work and after a while of not having access all the time, you realise you don't really need it all the time.

Now, after hearing this you may now wander just why the hell i have finally unleashed the wild world of the web (thats what is stands for right?) into the area in which i reside!? Well, as from this coming Thursday i will no longer be working from the office.

(2 and a half weeks later)
That office seems a million years away now and, after just seeing Darren Fletcher score man utd's fourth goal against AC Milan in a game that i have also seen Ji Sung Park bag a goal i wander what the hell is happening in life. It's fun to write a blog while having something to take your mind off it in the bg, although utd winning 4-0 certainly wouldn't be my preferred option. I might bang on a light hearted film such as back to the future, or die hard with avengence to ease the pain. Still Liverpool are doing really well, who would have thought, just a year ago we lost 4-0 against Real Madrid in that champions league thing and now we are beating teams like Wigan 1-0! amazing. On a serious note i really hope Benitez leaves at the end of the season he is killing any joy i have when watching Liverpool play at the moment.

Internet, from home... yes thats what i was writing about. Jeez this working from home malarky certainly gets you sound tracked (or should that be side tracked im not really sure), just as i type this that fat dude with the crazy zig-zag tash is singing 'go compare' in his supreme operatic voice, i don't stand a chance, i just have to look up and sing a long to it! Anyway, i no longer live in a mud hut, a cave or even a medieval castle, i live in a fully operational internet ready realm in which i can search, type away and get side-tracked as much as i like, I can't wait to see the doc get shot by those libians.