Monday 9 March 2009

Nearly Lunchtime

As i sit at my desk, counting down the lovely 20 minutes left until i enjoy scanning the reduced section in Tescos i am content. Pondering the many culinary delights tesco has to offer can be somewhat enchanting among the bustling atmosphere of a busy post-production house in Soho. With the weekend over and a new week beginning i always have the revolutionary plan to spend little- therefore saving money and eating less, which surely means more healthy... With these liberated thoughts fresh in my mind and only 10 minutes left on the clock (Yes i am i slow typer, and yes i have squeezed in some actual work during the process of this minature blog, i've cleared at least 100kb from my inbox!!) i am even more content than 10 minutes ago. At the peak of my revitalised world i hear that little siren, peer towards the bottom right hand corner of my screen and behold, see the words BURGER KING in its shiny, glistening, beautiful glory. Within minutes i know i will go from my previous 'content' state to 'satisfied', with greasy burger juice dripping off my chin and a grin that would make a chesire cat purr. I'll skip lunch tomorrow to make up for it..

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